Family,  Prayer

Advent Prayer Resource for Families

I have created a prayer resource for you and your family to use this Advent. I do want to say early on that it’s not something that will work well with really little ones. It will work best with children who are able to read. You could always try it with a younger child if you think they are able to listen well and understand the scripture stories. This will also work well for spouses after the little children are in bed, or if you have no children at home. And of course, for any family big or small!

Lectio, what?

This resource focuses on families praying together with scriptures using Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina, Latin for “divine reading,” is the process of reading, listening, praying, and contemplating the words contained in the bible. The Scriptures have the potential to come alive in your life and capture your heart in a way you never thought possible. All you need to do is set aside time, have an open heart, and be persistent with your prayer. God will take care of the rest! 

It’s Simple…

I’ve simplified everything by giving you bible passages and specific steps to follow. All you need to do is set aside 15 minutes, grab your family, some bibles, the guide, and you’re on your way to praying together in a new and beautiful way. Not to mention preparing your hearts for the coming of Christ at Christmas! As for the weekly resolutions, consider writing them in a place where everyone can see them daily.  Check in with each other at dinner, or offer a reminder in the mornings before school or activities. This will help keep one another accountable to fulfilling their resolution. 

Please share this with anyone you’d like – friends, family, or coworkers. It’s completely free and I’ve already been praying that it blesses you and your family this Advent!

May your hearts be ready and prepared to receive Christ when he comes!

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