• Living Abundantly

    Heroes, Villains, and the Parking Meter Lady

    I was having a morning. You know, one of those mornings.The type where you wake up early after having been up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours with your baby. The kind where you wake up groggy and grumpy and don’t handle things rationally. Where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed.That kind of morning. That morning I decided to take the kids to the library because we needed to return some books. It also seemed like a good diversion. We loaded the stroller, fed the meter, set my parking meter timer on the phone, and went in. We checked out our…

  • Family,  Motherhood

    Pudgy Tummies and Tired Eyes? Not Through Childlike Eyes.

    “Allow the children to come to me… for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16 (NAB) I think small children see things through a God-like lens, as he would see the world. The childlike see with love and simplicity and purity.  I think there’s a real reason why God says that the childlike are the ones who will inherit the kingdom.  Yesterday morning I was getting ready to run. In a sleep-deprived daze, I put on my black joggers, long sleeve tee, running shoes, and threw my morning hair back in a big headband. I didn’t feel cute, I didn’t feel beautiful. I’m running mainly because…

  • Personal Spirituality

    Seen. Known. Loved.

    The desire to be seen and known and loved is a basic longing of the human heart. We all long for this, whether or not we know it. We seek it from our parents, peers, coworkers, friends, bosses, teachers, professors, siblings… you can add whoever you’d like to this list. We seek to be seen and known and loved because we were created to be seen and known and loved by our Creator, the only one who can fill these infinite desires. The truth is, though, people fall short and disappoint us. There will be people in our lives who we give too much power, such that when they fail…