• Prayer

    Learning to Pray

    “He who does not pray deprives himself of what is indispensable for life.” St. John Vianney Tis the season of reflection, renewal, resolutions, and the like. It also seems to me a great time to consider your prayer life. Why prayer? Because this is one of the most essential (if not the essential) component when trying to live a life fully alive in Christ. Why? Because prayer is our source of connection to God. It puts us into communication with him and allows our hearts to be in a disposition of openness and listening. Prayer allows our hearts to be held and loved by the one whom we were created…

  • Family,  Living Abundantly

    Getting Away

    Jesus got away. When you read through the Gospels, it seems like he was constantly going away to quiet, solitary places by himself to pray. It was how he fed his soul, his ministry. He needed to get away from the demands of daily life to pray and be connected to his source, his heavenly Father.  “Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35 “…he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God.” Luke 6:12 We are no different. In our seeking to live abundantly, it’s so important to get away from…

  • Living Abundantly,  Prayer

    Have No Fear

    Before you begin: Read Matthew 14:22-33 I can think of few things that steal my ability to live abundantly more swiftly than fear.  I know I’m not alone in this, but sometimes it feels that way. Does anyone else have this incredible ability to be afraid of things, whether or not they are rooted in reality? At one time I was afraid of having too many kids, now I’m afraid of not having any more. I fear suffering, loss, pain. As my husband was leaving town this week for a business trip, I told him to drive safely because I need him to come home alive. He responded that he…

  • Living Abundantly

    Living Abundantly

    “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 I have always loved this bible verse, my heart always skips a beat when I hear it. I desire deeply this abundant life Jesus talks about. However, I don’t always feel that I’m living abundantly though, can you relate? Part of my struggle has been in failing to understand what Jesus really meant by saying this. Freedom, defined by the world, is true abundance. In this sense, freedom means not being tied down, not having too many commitments. It means doing what you want to do when you want to do it. And being able to pursue…