Hidden Holiness

Hidden Holiness: A Prayer Journal for Mothers with Little Ones is finally available for purchase!

Can I be holy as a mom? Will I ever pray consistently again? These are real questions from real mothers who are longing for answers.

Hidden Holiness is a source of hope and encouragement for moms of young children who want to deepen their faith. Maggie Peiffer inspires women with stories of saint mothers, her own experience mothering three young children, and practical tips for finding time to pray and encountering Christ anew in the messiness of motherhood. Through six weeks of scripture, daily reflections, prompts for prayer, and space to journal, Hidden Holiness is a place to revive, refresh and restart. This book unveils the beauty in the chaos and the sure knowledge that connection with God is possible. The path to holiness is built into motherhood. Let’s rediscover this vocation, shall we?