Family,  Personal Spirituality

You Can Still Go to Confession!

Just a friendly reminder that you can still go to confession! I spent most of the quarantine so far lamenting that there aren’t any opportunities for more creative ways to receive the sacraments like I see in other places. Or that Easter doesn’t feel quite the same this year. Then I “went” to mass with Fr. Mike Schmitz on Divine Mercy Sunday and was convicted. I realized there are some sacraments that I do still have access to and I really don’t have any excuses. I need to step up and take ownership. In life in general, waiting on other people to make things happen for you means you could be waiting a long time. And I love how St. Augustine puts it:

In failing to confess, Lord, I would only hide You from myself, not myself from You.

So… I emailed my trusty associate pastor and set up a time for my husband and I to go to confession. And it was wonderful. And I want to remind you that you can do the same! There’s nothing to be afraid of. There are no excuses. Just pick up the phone or send an email. If you don’t want to go alone, then get someone else to go with you. After all, your reward will be great in heaven for bringing someone else to the sacrament of mercy.

In the end, we may feel like sheep without shepherds right now, but our priests feel like shepherds without sheep. They want to see you and hear from you. So pray for your priests and go to confession!

Some Resources

The key to making a good confession is preparing well for it. Start by asking the Holy Spirit to show you the areas in which you have sinned and need forgiveness. Be intentional. Take some silent time. Use a good examination of conscience.

Here are some examinations. I have found that not every examination is a good fit for every person. I have found that I really love the examination based on faith, hope, and love, while some prefer something based on the 10 Commandments. So I have included a variety for you to check out.

And once you’re ready to step into the confessional, check out this graphic to help you remember the steps.

Graces are abundant during this special time of mercy in the Easter season. Don’t let any excuses prevent you from meeting Jesus and receiving his mercy!

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