Family,  Living Abundantly

Getting Away

Jesus got away. When you read through the Gospels, it seems like he was constantly going away to quiet, solitary places by himself to pray. It was how he fed his soul, his ministry. He needed to get away from the demands of daily life to pray and be connected to his source, his heavenly Father. 

“Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35

“…he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God.” Luke 6:12

We are no different. In our seeking to live abundantly, it’s so important to get away from the rhythms of daily life and to be immersed into a different, slower, more disconnected reality. Because let’s be honest, sometimes the habits and rhythms of daily life aren’t always life giving and soul-nourishing. Sometimes getting away looks like a weekend retreat for prayer. Sometimes this looks like a vacation with family. Sometimes this looks like an “unplugged” evening free of screens, mobile devices, noise, and television, in order to reconnect with our source but disconnecting from the world. In whichever state you find yourself, there’s an opportunity, it just might look different from your neighbor. 

Last week, Jon, Lucy, and I went on vacation with my family. Now, vacation isn’t always a solitary and peaceful, especially when you go with the whole family. But it is a change of pace, a disconnecting, and an opportunity to step back. For us, it also afforded us a lot of built in babysitters and, since we travelled to Utah, an exquisitely beautiful landscape that we don’t enjoy in Iowa (I’m not saying Iowa isn’t beautiful, but there’s something special about the mountains, you know?). 

Petrified Dunes, Snow Canyon State Park in Ivins, UT
Petrified Dunes, Snow Canyon State Park, Ivins, UT
Photo: my dad, Bob Schopp

I made a resolution to stay off social media all week and keep my phone use to a minimum, which was so refreshing. It reminds me how much Facebook steals my inner peace and joy sometimes. It exacerbates the things I struggle with because it’s so apparent when people have what I do not. It’s a hard place for me to maintain virtue and joy – I struggle deeply with comparison. 

I also find it so great to sit outside in beautiful scenery and pray. Sometimes being in a new and different place makes it easier to hear the voice of God. I struggle hearing him in day to day living here at home (but that’s a post for another day). One evening, I was thanking God for the beauty that was surrounding me. In that moment, I could hear that small inner voice telling me that my beauty far surpasses his creation. He wanted to remind me that I am his beloved daughter and I am so loved. This is another struggle I have. I know God loves me, but have a hard time believing it at the heart level. There was something quiet and special about that moment. 

 Honestly, I did return home more physically tired than when we left. Vacation with an 18 month old is hard! Despite this, I was refreshed in my spirit. Happy to have spent the week with my family, happy to have been given the opportunity to pray, happy to have been given the opportunity to hike in extraordinarily beautiful places, happy to have been given the chance to relax by the pool and read.  I have been greatly blessed.

Getting away doesn’t necessarily mean going far. I have had experiences of refreshment and renewal that were much shorter and much closer to home. But I know that getting away is pivotal to living abundantly. It allows for space in our hearts and minds to hear God speak. It allows for the rest and renewal God needs to work in our lives. Jesus was constantly getting away to pray. If he needs it so desperately, how much more do we?

Questions for reflection:

  • When was the last time you were able to get away, even if for a couple of hours? What good came of it?
  • What are some things you find stifling in your daily living? Are there any habits from which you desire freedom?
  • What is something you’re struggling with spiritually?

Create a plan to get away, whether it’s on a retreat, a holy hour or two, or a trip. Take some time to pray with the above questions and bring them before God. Allow him that time and space to work on your heart and bring you peace and healing.

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