Personal Spirituality

Seen. Known. Loved.

The desire to be seen and known and loved is a basic longing of the human heart. We all long for this, whether or not we know it. We seek it from our parents, peers, coworkers, friends, bosses, teachers, professors, siblings… you can add whoever you’d like to this list. We seek to be seen and known and loved because we were created to be seen and known and loved by our Creator, the only one who can fill these infinite desires.

The truth is, though, people fall short and disappoint us. There will be people in our lives who we give too much power, such that when they fail to truly see us, it hurts. We feel invisible.

I know I struggle with this. Recently, I was made to feel invisible and I fixate on it. Why? Because I was wounded by it and I gave them that power. Why? Because I fail to give my heavenly Father the power in and over my life. Why? I guess it doesn’t always seem that tangible on this side of heaven. And it can be scary.  

Jesus Sees Into the Heart

In Jesus’ ministry, he was constantly seeing past facades and into the heart. He knew what was going on in people’s lives, for better or for worse.  He loved each unique soul so deeply. There are so many examples, but here are a couple of my favorites:

  • The rich man who walked away sad from Jesus’ call to follow him because he couldn’t let go of his possessions. Jesus first looked at him and loved him, despite the fact that the rich man was about to walk away from his calling (Mark 10:22). 
  • The hemorrhaging woman who sought to touch only the tassel of Jesus’ cloak to be healed of her 12 year affliction. When Jesus realized what had happened, he turned around and saw her, the woman who was an unclean social outcast for the last 12 years (Matthew 9:22).

To make my point more clearly, if you ever have struggled with this, I want you to know: 

You are not invisible. 

I see you.

I know you.

I love you.

And I am in the constant pursuit of allowing this reality to shape and form my heart, and I know it is the work of a lifetime. But for now, I wanted you to hear it. 

I love Lucy so much. I see her pains and joys. I know her better than she knows herself at this point in her short life. If humans are capable of such things, I can only begin to imagine the way in which God sees, knows, and loves us.

For Reflection…

To reflect a little more deeply on this topic, do something simple. Sit in silence for 10 minutes… or 20 minutes if you have it… even better for 30 minutes. Best case, you’re sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration.

Imagine yourself resting with Jesus in whatever place or time you feel most comfortable with him. And hear him speaking love into your heart.

My dear child, 

You are loved. You are good and beautiful, so don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise or make you feel otherwise. 

Life is so full of struggles and suffering and I see that. I see you, I see the heaviness on your heart. But please allow me to carry that for you, you are not alone.  I also see the joys and victories of each day. Don’t be afraid to celebrate those moments and to offer gratitude for them. Gratitude will transform your heart. 

Not only do I see you, but I know you, I know your pain. I suffer with you every day. Your suffering is my suffering.  I know the areas you struggle to be freed from sin and the areas we have already won victory over evil. I know your thoughts, your prayers, your joys, your sorrows. But I want you to share such a deep friendship with me that you can’t help but run to me with the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. I can transform you from glory to glory. Do not be afraid of change.

Finally, my child, I love you. I love who you are. I love the way you laugh and smile. I love the joy in your heart. I love the parts of you that are broken. I love you because of who you are, not what you do. Allow me to love you. Allow yourself to simply be. There are moments when I desperately desire to give you more of my gifts, my blessings, and my graces, but I can’t because the door of your heart is not open. Don’t be afraid to allow me to love you. Ask me to come in. Invite me to enter your heart. I will knock, but I will not tear down that door. If you need help opening the door, tell me, and I will help you. I will never leave you and I will never give up on you.

I could go on for days and days. But as you go about the business of your daily life, please don’t forget that I see you, I know you, and above all, I love you unto death. 


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